Unlock Your Creative Potential

Africa Creative Challenge comes to Uganda! Learn about the impact of the last Challenge and get ready to join the movement.

#ACC #Creativelnnovation

Challenge Overview

MoTIV Africa is excited to announce the launch of the $12K Challenge for African Creatives, specifically creatives in Uganda. This innovative competition aims to catalyze and support creative innovations that can transform the landscape of Africa’s creative sector.

The $12K Challenge invites individuals, teams, and organizations across Africa to submit their creative innovations and ideas. Participants are required to present a compelling pitch outlining how they would utilize the $12,000 grant funding to bring their project to life and contribute to the growth of the creative economy.

Who Can Participate?

Selection and Judging

Your idea will be weighed on:

Creativity and Innovation


Potential Impact

Alignment with Creative Economy Goals

Presentation Skills

Scalability and Sustainability

Team Strength and Partnerships

Prizes and Perks

Dive deep into immersive learning, gain insights, find mentors, and network with the best.


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